Thursday 4 July 2013

Wikinomics by Tapscott and Williams

(23) a new form of horizontal organisation is emerging that rivals the hierarchical firm
(47) While their parents were passive consumers of media, youth today are active creators of media content and hungry for interaction
(83) Critiquing the community is a right reserved for those who have proved themselves by making valuable contributions
(206) So if we tag, bookmark, or share, and help or Technorati or Yahoo become better commercial entities, aren’t we seemingly commoditising our most valuable asset – time. We become the outsourced workforce, the collective, through it is still unclear what sit he pay-off.
(208) “the wisdom of crowds”
(209) key to this is openness, and in giving the users control and freedom. Put profits first, they say, and you will cripple the network you are building [society?]
(244) group identity and purpose do not emerge overnight. “it took years to cultivate this culture…
(248) fun, freedom, speed [the constant ~ compatible?] [Then everything is conditional. When and where is it unconditional ~]
[you are the global entity]
(271) untidy pool of mass mediocrity
(286) Stability is dead.

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